Friday, 27 March 2009

CGS holds Vigil for Peace Activist

We held a vigil in Cambridge on the 19th March outside the Guildhall, in solidarity with Tristan Anderson, who has been seriously injured by Israeli military forces during a non-violent protest against the 'separation' wall. It was also to show solidarity with the Palestinian people who experience daily brutality and oppression at the hands of the Israeli military, and many of whose deaths go unreported and uncontested. Tristan is currently in critical condition in hospital having been shot in the head with a tear gas canister.

Tristan is the good friend of a Cambridge student, who took part in our recent occupation at the University Law Faculty, and who regularly demonstrates peacefully alongside Palestinian people in West Bank villages, against the 'separation' wall, the confiscation of Palestinian land, the demolition of Palestinian homes and the oppression of Palestinian people. We seek to show our support to Tristan and to the people of Palestine for whom this violence is a commonplace reality of life under occupation.

Our vigil was covered in the Cambridge News here:


  1. I wouldn't worry about Tristan, there’s no shortage of useful idiots about. Liberals, communists, naive students, they‘ll all happily support jihadists who want to smite/convert them.
